A slowing ocean current could mean big climate changes

Tybee Island Beach on the Atlantic Ocean
Tybee Island Beach on the Atlantic Ocean
Luke Taylor | MPR

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Two new studies find that ocean currents in the Atlantic have slowed down by as much as 15 percent, and that may already be influencing ocean temperature and weather patterns in the U.S. and Europe.

We start Climate Cast on that topic. Here's a rundown of the show:

Why is the current called the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation getting scientists attention? Chris Mooney of the Washington Post tells us why it's bad news.

Raising attention for climate change on Lake Superior, from a sailboat. Katya and Mark Gordon share their stories of taking people on the lake to talk about climate change.

Minnesota youth lobby for climate action. Climate Cast digital producer Cody Nelson takes us to the state Capitol for the Youth Climate Justice Summit.

Hear the entire episode by using the audio player above.