How climate change is causing heavy snowfall

Yes, there is a connection between heavier snowfall and climate change.
Yes, there is a connection between heavier snowfall, like our recent April blizzard, and climate change.
Jerry Holt | Star Tribune via AP

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Picture this: A snowstorm moves in and temperatures are just cold enough for all snow.

What happens to that same storm if you add extra moisture and slow the storm down?

You guessed it. It dumps even heavier snowfall.

The climate connection to Minnesota's April blizzard is where we start Climate Cast. Here's the rundown of the show:

Wetter climate, bigger snow events. Dominic Winski, a Dartmouth College researcher who has studied snowfall patterns, explains this connection.

Environmental crisis through a photographer's lens. Cristina Mittermaier, a photographer for National Geographic, shares her work to show people the challenges our planet faces.

Meet the scientist who essentially discovered a hole in the ozone layer. Mario Molina, the Nobel Prize-winning chemist, discusses his work and the state of climate science. He speaks in the Twin Cities next week.

Use the audio player above to hear the whole show.