Climate Cast ®

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Climate Cast
MPR News

MPR meteorologist Paul Huttner discusses the latest research on our changing climate and the consequences we’re seeing here in Minnesota and worldwide. Hear Climate Cast each Thursday on MPR’s All Things Considered.

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Can the Midwest expect more derechos as the climate changes?
Climate change is expected to increase the number of hot, humid days in the Midwest. But will the heat and humidity, which are key components of derechos, translate into more of the destructive windstorms?
Warming winters are putting North Shore property owners on edge — literally
Wetter, warmer weather brought about by climate change appears to be hastening lakeshore erosion, and it’s putting some cabins precariously close to the water’s edge.
Pandemic bike boom gives cities permission to green their streets
A survey of residents in six European countries found 75 percent of respondents supported maintaining changes to streets that have allowed for more biking and socially-distant walking during the pandemic.
Crop failure rate for wild rice is increasing with climate change
Climate change is taking a significant toll on wild rice in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and the plant's significance to Ojibwe communities makes finding a solution all the more delicate — and dire.