Climate Cast ®

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Climate Cast
MPR News

MPR meteorologist Paul Huttner discusses the latest research on our changing climate and the consequences we’re seeing here in Minnesota and worldwide. Hear Climate Cast each Thursday on MPR’s All Things Considered.

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What a divided Congress could mean for Biden's climate agenda
A former Republican Congressman says there’s agreement on clean energy and green jobs. He’s urging President-elect Joe Biden to focus on “durable” bipartisan legislation over executive orders that could be overturned.
'It was angry in the way it gobbled up the ground': Fighting fires on the front line of climate change
This year’s historic fire season in the west has made the link between climate change and more intense and frequent wildfires abundantly clear. For firefighter Don Whittemore, it was a close call with a fireball in 2006.
Carmakers revving up electric truck and SUV production
Nearly half of all vehicles sold in the United States are sport utility vehicles, and the International Energy Agency reports they’re second-largest contributor to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the last decade. But a new wave of electric SUVs and pickup trucks is on the horizon.