Garrison Keillor and Minnesota Public Radio

On Nov. 29, 2017, Minnesota Public Radio announced it was severing its business ties with Garrison Keillor, creator of A Prairie Home Companion and The Writer’s Almanac. The company cited alleged “inappropriate behavior” with a female colleague as its reason. | How we covered this story

The challenges of covering your company: MPR News and the Keillor story
Investigative reporting is never easy. But when the players involved are your own employers, and a beloved high-profile public figure who is in large part responsible for the success of the organization you work for, the stakes are even higher.
Dropping Keillor painful but necessary, MPR chief tells listeners
"Because of the serious and sensitive nature of the allegations, we decided to undertake an independent investigation and we told Garrison that we were doing so," CEO Jon McTaggart wrote Tuesday.
Prairie Home Companion renamed 'Live from Here with Chris Thile'
After MPR severed ties with Keillor over allegations of improper behavior, the name change became a legal necessity, as MPR no longer had rights to continue calling the variety show "A Prairie Home Companion."
Keillor says MPR investigation inadequate
"I expect to deal with MPR soon to try to fix the enormous mistake they have made by not conducting a full and fair investigation," Keillor said. A company spokesperson says the allegations were "carefully investigated" before MPR made its decision.
Keillor in online generational spat
The passing of the generational torch is often uncomfortable, but Garrison Keillor's rapid exit from the stage when Minnesota Public Radio cut business ties with the man who built the operation is going to leave wounds beyond the allegations leveled against him.