Garrison Keillor and Minnesota Public Radio

On Nov. 29, 2017, Minnesota Public Radio announced it was severing its business ties with Garrison Keillor, creator of A Prairie Home Companion and The Writer’s Almanac. The company cited alleged “inappropriate behavior” with a female colleague as its reason. | How we covered this story

What we have learned from the spate of sexual allegations this week is this: they do not make us introspective. Perhaps it will take time for the shock of them to dissipate and take the worthlessness of visceral reactions with them. The problem is it's the shock of them that provides the opportunity for progress.
Washington Post drops Keillor for not disclosing conduct probe
"Knowing he was under investigation for his workplace behavior, he should not have written a column on that subject ... we do not intend to publish his columns in the future," the newspaper's editorial page editor said Thursday.
You can be a reporter or you can be an employee. But when the story is within your company, you can't be both.
Minnesotans rip MPR over decision to drop Keillor
Hundreds of Minnesotans are expressing anger, disappointment and disbelief over Minnesota Public Radio's decision to cut ties with Garrison Keillor following what MPR's parent company described as Keillor's inappropriate behavior.
When an organization quickly terminates an employee, facing an accusation such as sexual misconduct, what message are they sending to their employees? What impact does this have on the company's reputation?