Garrison Keillor and Minnesota Public Radio

On Nov. 29, 2017, Minnesota Public Radio announced it was severing its business ties with Garrison Keillor, creator of A Prairie Home Companion and The Writer’s Almanac. The company cited alleged “inappropriate behavior” with a female colleague as its reason. | How we covered this story

Post-Weinstein, Lauer, Keillor: A reckoning for fans of fallen heroes
Accusers of politicians, actors, comedians, singers, producers, directors, other media powerhouses and assorted business moguls have taken the power and fans of the disgraced have largely stood with the wronged. But for some, giving up heroes isn't easy.
Sexual harassment isn't usually a joking matter but late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel gave it a shot last evening, what with the allegations against NBC Today host Matt Lauer and A Prairie Home Companion host Garrison Keillor erupting on the same day.
Today's topics on MPR News' programming include sexual harassment, DACA, Facebook's fake accounts, the public option in health care, and Keith Ellison's take on the future of the Democratic Party.
MPR drops Keillor over inappropriate conduct
Minnesota Public Radio and its parent firm American Public Media said Wednesday they've cut ties with Garrison Keillor as they probe a report of "inappropriate behavior" by Keillor during the time he oversaw production of "A Prairie Home Companion."