Outside in MN

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Which winter sports are safest to play during COVID-19?
To stay physically active this winter while limiting the risk of coronavirus infections, experts suggest activities you do alone or with members of your household. That could include running, skiing and snowshoeing.
‘You have this feeling of floating’: Skaters delight in perfect lake ice in northern Minn.
Matthew Baxley, co-host of WTIP’s Boundary Waters Podcast, is among the skating fanatics who have been putting in as much ice time as they can before the weather changes. He went out earlier this week with friends, and sent Morning Edition an audio postcard from their day.  
Even during a pandemic, doctors say physical activity is crucial for your health
At a time when more people are staying at home, the World Health Organization recommends finding ways to be physically active and limit the amount of time you spend sitting.  
Breaking hues: Most of state past peak for fall colors — but not southeastern Minn.
For those looking to catch a last glimpse of this year’s fall colors, head to the southeastern portion of the state. In an area where the leaves have already fallen? Here’s one bright spot: “(Y)ou actually have much better bird- and wildlife-watching opportunities,” says the DNR’s Rachel Hopper.
Bands continue moose hunts to maintain tradition, treaty rights
The Minnesota DNR has not authorized a state moose hunting season for years, after a sharp crash in the iconic animal’s population. But more recently, as the moose population has stabilized, three Ojibwe bands in northeastern Minnesota have allowed limited hunts to keep alive an important cultural tradition.
Race against the fall color clock: Over half of Minn. already at or past peak
Fall colors are moving quickly and there’s no time to lose. While north-central and central Minnesota are hotspots for fall color, the southern stretch of the state should be seeing peak color within the next week.