Food and Drink

Tamales are delicious, but are hard work to make, particularly on your own. Food writer Mecca Bos tells us about how the creation of this iconic dish helped one first-generation Mexican American create a community while also providing a link with his distant family.
The FDA is investigating Lucky Charms after reports of illness
The Food and Drug Administration said it's gotten over 100 complaints linked to the General Mills cereal this year. General Mills said its own investigation hasn't found evidence of consumer illness.
Minneapolis, St. Paul end vaccination-or-test order for bars, eateries
The cities last month began requiring proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID test to enter public places serving food and drink. With the current surge waning, the mayors on Thursday rescinded the controversial orders. Public masking mandates remain in place.
Even if he gets sick, don't serve Aron Woldeslassie soup
MPR News producer and comedian Aron Woldeslassie recently came down with what was thankfully a mild case of COVID-19. But he had to deal with an unexpected issue: an overabundance of soup served by concerned loved ones.
Why Du Nord's founder says 2020 and 2021 were both the worst and best years of his life
Du Nord Social Spirits in south Minneapolis was the first licensed Black-owned distillery in the United States. Chris Montana, Du Nord’s co-founder and CEO, joined host Cathy Wurzer for a conversation about his story, the story of Du Nord and why he created a foundation in the wake of the murder of George Floyd.