
The State Fair poetry team
To celebrate the unique nature of the Minnesota State Fair, two local artists are combining their creative talents to write and produce a poem a day from the fair.
'The hunger for connection'
When you sit down to eat dinner tonight, do you know how far your food traveled to get to your plate? In the United State, it's probably made an average journey of 1,500 miles. For some, that's too far. Jessica Prentice is a leader of that movement, and she even coined the word "locavore." She's the author of Full Moon Feast: Food and the Hunger for Connection.
Bedbug outbreaks are on the rise
Some of us may have heard the old admonition, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite." But recent bedbug outbreaks in Duluth and around the nation's hotels, hospitals and college dorms have turned the nursery rhyme into words of warning.
The distance we go together
Commentator Nanci Olesen waxes nostalgic on the simplicity of life on the road with her children.
All about birds
Fall migration is underway. As birds head for their winter homes, two avid birders answer questions about our fine feathered friends.
Peak summer gardening
High heat and near-drought conditions are creating wilted gardens around the region. Midmorning's Garden Guru has some suggestions on what to do to keep those plants alive.