Religion and Faith

Most senior Catholic charged with child sex abuse convicted
The most senior Catholic cleric ever charged with child sex abuse has been convicted of molesting two choirboys moments after celebrating Mass, dealing a new blow to the Catholic hierarchy's credibility after a year of global revelations of abuse and cover-up.
Pope vows to end abuse cover-ups, but survivors disappointed by summit
Pope Francis closed out his summit on preventing clergy sex abuse by vowing to confront abusers with "the wrath of God." But his failure to offer a concrete action plan to hold bishops accountable when they failed to protect their flocks from predators disappointed survivors.
Catholic leaders from around the world are gathered at the Vatican today for the start of a four-day summit on clergy sex abuse. MPR News host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Frank Meuers about his expectations for the summit. Meuers leads the Minnesota chapter of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP.
As Pope holds sex abuse summit, U.S. Catholics not hopeful for 'bold moves'
American Catholics have become disappointed as Pope Francis described the meeting as featuring "prayer and discernment" — hardly an ambitious vision for what could have been a momentous event.
Thousands rally in France to oppose recent anti-Semitic acts
Rallies against anti-Semitism attracted crowds of thousands in Paris and other French cities Tuesday following a series of aggressive acts with Jewish targets, including a cemetery where about 80 gravestones were spray-painted with swastikas overnight.
The American church's complicity in racism
For centuries, racism flourished in the American church. Has anything really changed? Jemar Tisby, the author of the new book "The Color of Compromise" says no. He believes white supremacy is still alive in the church. It's just gone underground.