Religion and Faith

Eight groups of Minnesota students all placed at the 2013 National History Day competition at the University of Maryland yesterday. MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with one of them, Kateri Schmidt, about their winning project.
Pilgrim Baptist Church, founded by former slaves, celebrates 150 years
The faces in stained glass that inspire worshippers at the Pilgrim Baptist Church aren't those of a white Jesus and the saints. Instead, they're the faces of the black ministers who led the church, and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
500 years later, theological debate still simmers
Is God's saving grace free to anyone who accepts Jesus, or did God predestine certain people for heaven and hell before the beginning of the world? That's a 500-year-old question, but it is creating real divisions in 2013 in the nation's largest Protestant denomination.
Same-sex couples start applying for marriage licenses
Same-sex couples are heading to license bureaus in the Twin Cities this morning to apply for marriage licenses for the very first time, and Al Giraud and Jeff Isaacson were among the first in line at the Hennepin County Government Service Center.
A disabled Bismarck-Mandan couple is being refused marriage by the man's church because the pastor there says the couple isn't ready.
In the most prominent challenge of its kind, Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. is asking a federal appeals court Thursday for an exemption from part of the federal health care law that requires it to offer employees health coverage that includes access to the morning-after pill.
Religion, politics and the common good
When political discourse is marked by bitter partisanship, how and where can people of different faiths and political ideologies find common ground?
Pope blasts 'cult of money'
Pope Francis has denounced the global financial system, blasting the "cult of money" that he says is tyrannizing the poor and turning humans into expendable consumer goods.
Building a bridge between skeptics and believers
Among the most divisive issues in American life - guns, abortion, same-sex marriage - no gulf seems quite so deep as that between religious believers and nonbelievers.