Religion and Faith

Same-sex marriage in Minnesota: A cross-section of faith communities' approaches
Same-sex couples can legally wed in Minnesota on Aug. 1. Marriage in the eyes of the state's many faith communities, however, is a different matter. Reactions from Minnesota religious organizations -- and sometimes from within those organizations -- vary widely.
LGBT group finds acceptance at evangelical college
An openly gay seminarian hopes to promote acceptance for other gays in the broader evangelical community through his role as president of the nation's first LGBT student club sanctioned by a major evangelical seminary. The group, called OneTable, formed last fall at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, one of the world's largest multi-denominational seminaries, and has attracted about three dozen students.
The bill was introduced in the Legislature on June 4, passed nine days later and signed into law Friday by Gov. Scott Walker. It took effect Monday.
Francis: Church shouldn't fear structural renewal
Pope Francis called for structural renewal in the Catholic church to keep up with the times, although advising future priests and nuns Saturday to shun costly trappings like the latest smart phones so they can use more resources to help the poor.
An Associated Press analysis of documents released this week found most of the $30 million the archdiocese paid out through mid-2012 went to victim settlements and therapy, but the bulk of it went to just a few victims -- while hundreds of others got no money at all.
Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson at Westminster Town Hall Forum
Retired Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson speaks about civil rights, gay marriage, and anti-racism. He's the author of "In the Eye of the Storm: Swept to the Center by God" and "God Believes in Love: Straight Talk About Gay Marriage." He spoke June 27, 2013 at the Westminster Town Hall Forum in Minneapolis.
Alan Chambers said on Exodus International's website Thursday that the group wants to apologize "to the gay community for years of undue suffering and judgment at the hands of the organization and the church as a whole."