
Water shortages and problems around Minnesota — and the country — have many wondering what is the true cost of clean and reliable water. This reporting is supported in part by The Water Main, a project of American Public Media.

After Legionnaires’ outbreak, Grand Rapids will consider chlorinating water
The outbreak has now sickened 15 people. Health investigators believe the source is the city’s water distribution system. Grand Rapids does not regularly disinfect its water supply with chlorine, which health officials say can help control Legionella bacteria.
Fewer fish and more algae? Scientists seek to understand impacts of historic lack of Great Lakes ice
An unusually warm winter has left the Great Lakes all but devoid of ice and sent scientists scrambling to understand the possible consequences as climate change accelerates.
Trillions of gallons leak from aging drinking water systems, further stressing shrinking U.S. cities
Trillions of gallons are lost from aging drinking water systems across the U.S. after decades of deferred maintenance and disinvestment. 
Lack of snow could spur growth of Minnesota lake invader
Curly-leaf pondweed is known to be present in more than 750 Minnesota water bodies. It grows in the early spring and can create dense mats on the surface that interfere with recreation. 
Rare sight: See inside an empty Mississippi River lock and dam as it’s cleared for repairs
The warm winter weather has been great for construction work on Lock and Dam 2, which has been dewatered to allow for a $3.5 million renovation project.
Enbridge appeals to vacate an order that would shut down its pipeline
The Tribe fears the aging pipeline could rupture. Enbridge’s attorney told a three-judge federal appellate panel Thursday that Conley lacked authority to issue such an order. Bad River’s attorney is calling for an immediate shutdown to protect the environment.
On the cusp of a contentious election year, Ely finds new ways to talk about divisive issues
The northern Minnesota town has long been the epicenter of the state’s conflict around mining and the environment. Now, though, there’s a renewed effort in Ely to restart a civil discussion around long-standing divisions.
Art Shanty Projects closes due to warm weather
The Art Shanty Projects on Lake Harriet in Minneapolis closed six days after opening due to unseasonably warm weather, leaving the organization facing a financial shortfall.
How rethinking design could reduce the need for road salt
Eden Prairie is a pilot city testing low-salt design. The concept is to plan streets and buildings so ice and melted snow don't accumulate in places where people walk and drive, reducing the need for deicing salt that pollutes lakes, rivers and streams.