
Water shortages and problems around Minnesota — and the country — have many wondering what is the true cost of clean and reliable water. This reporting is supported in part by The Water Main, a project of American Public Media.

Small solutions to the big phosphorus water quality challenge
High levels of phosphorus and nitrogen flow north in the Red River, contributing to increasing algae blooms in Lake Winnipeg. A project in a small northwestern Minnesota town shows the possibilities and challenges of fixing water quality across borders.
Court gives final approval to 3M ‘forever chemicals’ settlement
A federal judge has approved 3M’s more-than-$10 billion settlement with drinking water suppliers over contamination from so-called “forever chemicals.” The settlement resolves class-action lawsuits.
Lead in the drinking water is still a problem in the U.S. — especially in Chicago
The Windy City has the most lead pipes of any U.S. city. A study estimates that more than two-thirds of children there are exposed to lead in their home tap water.
Council recommends $12 million to fight invasive carp
A proposal to install a barrier to prevent invasive carp from moving up the Mississippi River got a surprise boost this week. The Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council makes recommendations on how to spend money from a dedicated sales tax.
How zebra mussels spurred the Red Lake Nation push to return tribal lands
For over a century, the Band has maintained the United States government disregarded a treaty agreement when it took a portion of Upper Red Lake and land around it. Recent events involving the tribe’s relationship with the state DNR sped up the tribe’s decision to reclaim the lands around Upper Red Lake.
Art exhibit showcases importance of the Mississippi to tribes at headwaters and delta
The title of the exhibit spans three languages: “Abijijiwan” in Ojibwe, “Ukeyat Yanalleh” in Houma and “The Water Flows Continuously” in English.
In northern Minnesota, researchers and foresters prepare for emerald ash borer invasion
The invasive emerald ash borer has slowly munched its way across the state since it was first discovered in St. Paul in 2009. Now it’s on the doorstep of the largest ash forest in North America.
Bill calls for all of Upper Red Lake to be returned to Red Lake Nation
Following on the heels of bills to return thousands of acres to the White Earth Nation, a Minnesota House bill is calling for Upper Red Lake to be returned to the Red Lake Nation.
After Legionnaires’ outbreak, Grand Rapids will consider chlorinating water
The outbreak has now sickened 15 people. Health investigators believe the source is the city’s water distribution system. Grand Rapids does not regularly disinfect its water supply with chlorine, which health officials say can help control Legionella bacteria.
Fewer fish and more algae? Scientists seek to understand impacts of historic lack of Great Lakes ice
An unusually warm winter has left the Great Lakes all but devoid of ice and sent scientists scrambling to understand the possible consequences as climate change accelerates.