
Water shortages and problems around Minnesota — and the country — have many wondering what is the true cost of clean and reliable water. This reporting is supported in part by The Water Main, a project of American Public Media.

New mining opportunities in northern Minn. pose environmental concerns
Northern Minnesota may be on the verge of a major expansion of its mining industry. A key environmental study of PolyMet Corporation's plan to mine copper and nickel is expected in the coming months, but many remain opposed to this kind of mining.
Underground in Emily, a mother lode of manganese
According to mineral experts, one of the largest high-grade deposits of manganese in North America is located on a five-acre site at the edge of Emily, Minn. Manganese is a mineral used in steel and aluminum production.
The Minnesota House and Senate will take action today on two of the smaller pieces of the state budget. Conference committees met over the weekend to reach agreements on a transportation bill and an environment and energy bill. Rep. Frank Hornstein, DFL-Minneapolis, a member of the transportation conference committee, said the compromise bill preserves current…
St. Lawrence Seaway turns 50 amid controversy
Fifty years ago next Sunday, an oceangoing ship arrived in the Duluth-Superior harbor for the first time -- thanks to the just-opened St. Lawrence Seaway. Critics say it was a colossal mistake -- an open invitation to destructive and aggressive plants and animals from overseas.