
Five at 8 – 11/9/09: Hacking up the Internet

I worked all weekend on the deck rebuilding project -- I've worked on it off-and-on since 2004 -- and for some reason I couldn't get this out of my head. That's one test for being Monday Morning Rouser worthy.

1) Dear Internet: Can you just get back in the bottle so I can put a cork on you? I'm no longer sure having quick access to stupid Facebook quizzes and -- well -- a job is worth the risk.

Be sure to check 60 Minutes' Web site for additional online-only segments, including assaults on ATMs and the possibility of an online jihad.

2) The perils of political promises. Maybe this is why we don't hear politicians make a lot of specific promises anymore. They might end up with a headline like this:

On long-term homelessness, Pawlenty misses goal

The story, from the Associated Press on the MPR Web site, measures one of the points of Gov. Pawlenty's 2004 State of the State address (which you can find here). Pawlenty blames the recession; others blame cuts in programs.

Truth is, though, Pawlenty's homeless plan was a small part of that speech. Here's then Capitol reporter Laura McCallum's account from 2004.

They include the Northstar commuter rail line, a bioscience research partnership between the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic and more prison beds. Pawlenty repeated his no-tax-increase stance, and said now is not the time to raise taxes in Minnesota.

Pawlenty used his speech to push a number of initiatives he's proposed in the last few months -- education reform, longer sentences for sex offenders, a constitutional amendment on the death penalty, toll lanes and a water quality initiative. Pawlenty says education, public safety and the environment are part of Minnesota's quality of life.

Here's the transcript of the gov's speech.

Curiously, after the speech, DFL legislators criticized Pawlenty because it "lacked bold initiatives."

3) Some things never change. Example: The joy of a surprise visit from your soldier-child.

Some things do change. Kids come home to live:

See Jess Mador's story.

4) Clash of cultures. From the AP:

To 12-year-old Suzannah Pabla, piercing her nose was a way to connect with her roots in India. To Suzannah's school, it was a dress-code violation worthy of a suspension.

To other Indians, the incident was emblematic of how it can still be difficult for the American melting pot to absorb certain aspects of their cultural and religious traditions.

5) Is this news? It's always news these days when Saturday Night Live is actually funny.

Bonus: The Minnesota Twins are unveiling a new TV commercial. This isn't it:


Gunmen opened fire last week in Orlando and at Fort Hood, Texas. More than a dozen were killed and dozens more were wounded. What more could be done to prevent mass shootings?


Midmorning (9-11 a.m.) - First hour: Kerri Miller speaks with three reporters covering national security and intelligence about covert operations in Afghanistan, the challenges of covering the CIA, and who they write for.

Second hour: John Irving on 'Last Night in Twisted River.'

Midday (11 a.m. - 1 p.m.) - First hour: Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, professor Nick Hayes joins Midday to look back at the events of Nov. 9, 1989.

Second hour: - A new survey from the Pew Research Center looks at attitudes in Germany and Eastern Europe.

Talk of the Nation (1-3 p.m.) - First hour: Even more Berlin Wall talk.

Second hour: Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, looks at the political ramifications of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

All Things Considered (3-6:30 p.m.) - TBD