
Here's what world leaders agreed to — and what they didn't — at the UN climate summit
The agreement was built from compromises on many fronts, including a last-minute effort by India to weaken efforts to phase out coal. Still, it broke new ground in creating a worldwide consensus to transition away from fossil fuels and to speed up countries' ambitions to cut emissions faster.
Nations strike climate deal with coal compromise
Almost 200 nations accepted a contentious climate compromise Saturday aimed at keeping a key global warming target alive, but it contained a last-minute change that some high officials called a watering down of crucial language about coal.
As climate worsens, environmentalists also grapple with the mental toll of activism
After her son's death, a mother in the Midwest promotes mental health for environmentalists. It's part of a larger push to address the burnout and psychological stress that can affect activists.
Their lands are oceans apart but are linked by rising, warming seas of climate change
Photographer Vlad Sokhin's latest work, “Warm Waters,” is an exploration of climate change traveling across 18 countries and off-the-map territories seen by seldom few.
U.S. and China announce surprise climate agreement at COP26 summit
U.S. climate envoy John Kerry told NPR the declaration spurs mutual accountability. "I'm absolutely convinced that that is the fastest, best way to get China to move from where it is today," he said.
Developing nations say they're owed for climate damage. Richer nations aren't budging
Extreme weather is costing developing countries billions of dollars in damage. So they're seeking compensation from weather countries that have done the most to cause climate change.
Carbon markets drive research in soil carbon storage
A growing number of agri-businesses are offering to pay farmers for practices that store carbon in the soil. But the cost of accurately measuring carbon in fields might be keeping farmers out of the market. Researchers are trying to improve the process.