
Thousands protest in Glasgow and around the world for action against climate change
With one week of the COP26 conference left, people worldwide participated in protests in support of climate change action. Activists say that pledges to cut carbon emissions don't go far enough.
How loss of historical lands makes Native Americans more vulnerable to climate change
Indigenous nations across the U.S. lost nearly 99 percent of their historical land base over time, new research shows. What little land they have left is especially vulnerable to climate change risks.
Biden announces a plan in Glasgow to help poorer countries with climate change
In a speech to the U.N. climate summit on Monday, President Joe Biden laid out his strategy for reaching goals to curb emissions — and a plan to help developing countries adapt to climate change.
Biden says he worries that cutting oil production too fast will hurt working people
"On the surface it seems like an irony," Biden said of calling on major producers to pump more oil even as he heads to the climate summit. "But the truth of the matter is ... everyone knows that idea that we're going to be able to move to renewable energy overnight ... it's just not rational."
G-20 make mild pledges on climate neutrality, coal financing
Leaders of the world’s biggest economies agreed Sunday to stop funding coal-fired power plants in poor countries and made a vague commitment to seek carbon neutrality “by or around mid-century” as they wrapped up a Rome summit before a much larger U.N. climate conference.