
Weather experts in Midwest say climate change reporting brings burnout and threats
Talking about climate change can be a tough job, especially in places where audiences may be less likely to accept the science. Strong resistance has pushed some meteorologists out of the field.
FAQ: Annual climate negotiations are about to start. Do they matter?
World leaders, climate experts and oil company executives converge on Dubai later this week to talk about climate change at the United Nations COP28 meeting. Here's what you need to know.
To save the climate, the oil and gas sector must slash planet-warming operations, report says
The oil and gas sector, one of the major emitters of planet-warming gases, will need a rapid and substantial overhaul for the world to avoid even worse extremes fueled by human-caused climate change.
How the changing climate will affect polar bears
MPR News meteorologist Sven Sundgaard just got back from leading a learning vacation with 12 other Minnesotans to Churchill, Manitoba — the “polar bear capital of the world.” Sundgaard, along with Doug Clark from the University of Saskatchewan, conducted lectures on the changing climate of the region and its impact on polar bears.
This is how far behind the world is on controlling planet-warming pollution
Global emissions of greenhouse gases are rising, according to an annual accounting by the United Nations. It warns development of new oil, gas and coal is incompatible with meeting climate targets.
The U.S. has a controversial plan to store carbon dioxide under the nation's forests
A proposed rule change from the US Forest Service would allow storage of carbon dioxide pollution under national forests. The plan comes as communities resist such projects in their areas
Minnesota initiative looks to boost production of sustainable aviation fuel
10 percent of U.S. transportation greenhouse gas emissions come from plane travel. But a first-of-its kind initiative is looking to slash those numbers by creating a hub to scale the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).
MPR News meteorologist Sven Sundgaard had his first full day on the tundra Tuesday, observing over a dozen polar bears. Here’s his update.