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Report pushes for more EPA regulations of carbon capture projects

Carbon Pipeline Midwest
North Dakota Public Service Commission Chairman Randy Christmann (right) at a commission meeting at the state Capitol in Bismarck, N.D., on Sept. 15, 2023. The panel approved a request by Summit Carbon Solutions to reconsider the commission's Aug. 4 decision to deny a siting permit for the company's proposed 320-mile route in North Dakota.
Jack Dura | AP 2023

Updated February 2, 2024 at 4:32pm

A proposed carbon capture pipeline across the Midwest by Summit Carbon Solutions is awaiting approval from Iowa and other states. It’s under environmental review currently in Minnesota.

The five-state, $5.5 billion pipeline system would capture carbon dioxide from ethanol plants and send it to North Dakota for underground storage.

As more places, including ours, pursue carbon capture projects, what rules and monitoring mechanisms need to be in place to make sure things work as intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Eric Schaeffer is the executive director of the Environmental Integrity Project, which just released a report on the current federal rules for carbon capture projects — and what might be missing.

To hear the full conversation, click play on the audio player above or subscribe to the Climate Cast podcast. This has been corrected to clarify that the Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline project is undergoing an environmental review in Minnesota.