Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Data confirm trend of warming global temperatures in last ten years
Last year was by far the warmest year on record globally. NOAA, NASA, and European datasets all confirm the numbers. That means the 10 warmest years on record globally are the past 10 years. How do climate scientists explain this unprecedented warming trend?
Native-led EV initiative launches by distributing millions of dollars worth of vehicles to tribal communities
Native-led renewable energy program startup Electric Nation is sending millions of dollars worth of electric vehicles to two tribal communities in Minnesota and North Dakota.
Latest EPA assessment shows almost no improvement in river and stream nitrogen pollution
The EPA’s newest assessment of water quality and nutrient pollution in U.S. rivers and streams shows almost no progress on cutting the nitrogen pollution that comes primarily from farm chemical runoff.
Getting to Green: Shifting to electric vehicles
Electric vehicles can save money on gas and reduce carbon emissions. What are the challenges to getting more on the road? MPR News correspondents Dan Kraker and Kirsti Marohn talk with guests and listeners about EVs in their Getting to Green series about the climate crisis and Minnesota’s energy future.