Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Coal and new gas power plants will have to meet climate pollution targets
Fifteen years after the EPA said greenhouse gasses are a danger to public health, the agency finalized rules to limit climate-warming pollution from existing coal and new gas power plants.
Report: Twin Cities air quality improving, but climate change complicates cleanup
The American Lung Association released its 25th annual State of the Air report Wednesday and it shows air quality in the Twin Cities metro area improved slightly between 2020 and 2022.
Runaway horses gallop through central London, blazing a path of mayhem and injuries
Five military horses got spooked during a training exercise, bolting and weaving a path of destruction across the city before being captured. Several people and horses are being treated for injuries.
State regulators launch big Mississippi water monitoring project
State regulators gathered at the Mississippi River on Earth Day to announce a big undertaking: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will test water along all 650 miles of the river within the state’s borders this year.
Sabathani Community Center in south Minneapolis celebrates sustainability projects
On Earth Day, Scott Redd stood with Rep. Ilhan Omar and Sen. Tina Smith in the parking lot of the Sabathani Community Center in south Minneapolis. They were there to celebrate the center — the city’s oldest African American community center — as a leader in sustainability and energy.
Broadband installation the leading cause of underground infrastructure damage
That's according to a brief released last week by North Star Policy Action, an independent research organization. Jake Schwitzer, the executive director of North Star, shared more of the findings and why some are raising concern.
This Earth Day, a scientist shares tips for building climate action into everyday life
University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership Director Heidi Roop published a book called “The Climate Action Handbook” to help people figure out where to start.
How do you build without over polluting? That’s the challenge of new Catan board game
A new version of the popular board game Catan aims to make players wrestle with a 21st-century problem: How do you develop and expand without overly polluting the planet?