Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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'A huge concern': December storm did long-term damage to state's forests
The winter storm that smacked much of the state just before Christmas cut off power to thousands of homes, but also left long-lasting damage to the state’s forests. It’s damage that won’t be fully documented until the snow melts.
Exxon climate predictions were accurate decades ago. Still it sowed doubt
Exxon's climate research decades back painted an accurate picture of global warming, according to a new scientific paper. Still, the oil company continued climate-denying policy efforts.
Climate trends and news to keep an eye on in 2023
Last year was a banner year for clean energy with booms in solar and wind energy as well as the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act, the biggest climate legislation ever. So what might be in store for 2023?
Food waste is a big problem. These small changes can help
Over one-third of the food produced in the U.S. goes uneaten, harming peoples' wallets and the climate. Here are some steps you can take in your supermarket and kitchen to cut back on waste.
Will heavy winter snows quench Minnesota's drought?
The Twin Cities is on track for its third snowiest winter ever, but that doesn’t mean the drought is over. The speed of the spring thaw will dictate how much of that needed moisture makes it into the ground. Slower is better, University of Minnesota professor Jeff Strock tells MPR News.
Worst winter air quality in Minnesota since 2005. Why is it so bad?
Officials have extended an air quality alert through midnight Wednesday for the Twin Cities. What’s behind this sudden turn that’s left many Minnesotans with coughs, irritated eyes and burning throats?
England will ban single-use plastic plates and cutlery for environmental reasons
Environment Secretary Therese Coffey says the new ban will stop pollution from "billions of pieces of plastic." Advocates applaud the move but say it doesn't go far enough on its own.