On Campus Blog

A Minneapolis attorney has filed a consumer fraud lawsuit on behalf of five former and current students who say they were misled by Globe University / Minnesota School of Business. Clayton Halunen asked the Hennepin County District Court to grant the suit class-action status. The suit seeks to cover students enrolled since September 2007. In Read more →
MnSCU IT workforce exec: We’re not that far apart on education
Bruce Lindberg, who runs the MnSCU-affiliated organization Advance IT Minnesota, comments in On Campus that the gap between the Inter Faculty Organization and Chancellor Steven Rosenstone on how to educate students isn’t necessarily all that large: With some clarification, I would suggest that the IFO positions are not that far off from the intentions of Read more →
A high-school counselor’s trek through colleges
A few days ago, I wrote about Macalester College‘s apparent obsession with squirrels. A quote from a Mac student about that subject came from a little blog written by a Massachusetts high-school counselor who was traveling the country visiting colleges where her school’s graduates had enrolled. She briefly profiles each campus — including a few in Read more →
More universities now admitting undocumented students Universities such as Dartmouth, Stanford, Duke, and the University of Chicago have explicitly stated they welcome undocumented students’ applications and they currently have undocumented students enrolled. These universities also say that undocumented students are eligible for financial support. (CNN via NAICU) How to be a college ‘resimuter’ There is a growing population Read more →
University of Minnesota pushes science in facilities request
As University of Minnesota officials gear up to ask the Legislature for $233 million in funding to renovate and construct buildings, they’re driving home one theme: It’s all about STEM — Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. University government relations adviser Jason Rohloff told reporters during a campus facilities tour today that all but one of Read more →
How the federal shutdown will affect the University of Minnesota, MnSCU
Just got this from the U. Summary: Minimal impact in the short run, though long-term picture is still unclear. Financial aid not affected. New federal grants will be delayed. I have a call in to MnSCU as well. (Updated. MnSCU’s response follows the U’s press release.) Statement from the University of Minnesota regarding effects of…
How do we know Carleton College graduates are happy?
Carleton College has placed fourth on the U.S. News & World Report’s list of 10 colleges with the highest percentage of alumni donors — with more than half giving to the college — suggesting that graduates there are very happy with the college experience they received. U.S. News reports, though, that alumni giving is generally Read more →
SAT Scores Always Go Down Once again, American SAT scores have gone down. Again, people write that this is evidence that American schools are declining. No, SAT scores are supposed to go down. That’s just how the standardized test works. (Washington Monthly) A Patchy Recovery in Business Masters Programs Full-time M.B.A. programs are starting to see a Read more →
In June, I reported on a MnSCU plan – called Charting the Future — that would revamp how the state’s colleges and universities do business. The idea was to come up with statewide plans in areas such as academics, e-learning, training and facilities. It could lead to campus mergers, the elimination of some programs and Read more →