On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Resimuters, undocumented students and a whistle-blowing president

More universities now admitting undocumented students Universities such as Dartmouth, Stanford, Duke, and the University of Chicago have explicitly stated they welcome undocumented students' applications and they currently have undocumented students enrolled. These universities also say that undocumented students are eligible for financial support. (CNN via NAICU)

How to be a college ‘resimuter’ There is a growing population of college students, known as “resimuters,” who live off-campus -- sometimes at home to save money -- but spend nearly all of their time on campus. Schools have started to pay attention to these students, offering them space and services so they can feel a full part of the community. (The Washington Post)

One College President’s Creative Whistleblower Strategy Evan Dobelle, president of Massachusetts’s Westfield State University, is in trouble for extravagant spending. But he might be able to get out of punishment because Dobelle argues he’s a whistleblower, on himself. (Washington Monthly)

Didn’t Ace SAT? Just Design Microbe Transplant Research Beginning this fall, Bard College will look beyond grades and test scores by offering a new option for applying: writing four, 2,500-word research papers. (The New York Times)

How will the shutdown affect public education and financial aid? Federal financial aid is one of the few things spared as the government screeches to a halt. Public universities and school districts, however, might not be so lucky. (USA Today)