On Campus Blog

Why one student likes Capella’s new competency-based courses
St. Paul banking employee Amee Gullickson tells the Star Tribune what she thought of her four-week business-ethics course in Capella University’s new FlexPath program, one of the first “competency-based” education programs in the country: “It was definitely a benefit, because I’m able to get through these classes faster. There’s not a lot of interaction, and Read more →
Columnist: U of M football coach Jerry Kill will keep his word
Star Tribune sports columnist Jim Souhan — who recently caused a ruckus when he suggested that University of Minnesota head football coach Jerry Kill step down because of his epilepsy — writes after a seizure kept Kill from attending Saturday’s game against Michigan:   If he can’t find a way to perform his duties, and Read more →
The Bucks Guide to Finding Cheap Textbooks: 3rd Edition  Exorbitant college textbook prices have given rise to a “textbook rebellion,” which may be coming to a campus near you. (The New York Times) Your stereotype of college students is bad and you should feel bad The picture of college that the news media tend to Read more →
More Minnesotans are defaulting on their student loans within three years after leaving school — but we’re still doing better than much of the nation. The state’s overall failure rate rose from 9 percent to 11 percent of borrowers. That’s better than the national average and the average default rate for Big Ten states, both Read more →
Just got this memo forwarded to me. You may remember that earlier this week, the union representing faculty at state universities announced its opposition to a plan to overhaul how the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system does business. Among other things, they said, it centralizes too much power at the central office, caters Read more →
Jesus Would Not Do Online Courses There is no specific Catholic or Christian prohibition against online education, but King’s College theology professor Jonathan Malesic does have a point about how online is getting pretty far away from the principles that led Catholic leaders to create colleges in the first place. (Washington Monthly) Barnard President, Says Women Can’t Read more →
Why do the same names keep popping up in Globe inquiries?
I’ve written about four inquiries into business practices at Globe University / Minnesota School of Business, and some readers are probably noticing overlap in the people involved — especially those who accuse the schools of unethical practices. Some names have appeared in multiple articles or lawsuits. In the interest of clarity and transparency, I’d like Read more →
Here are three documents — Exhibits A, B and C — that accompanied yesterday’s consumer-fraud lawsuit against Globe University / Minnesota School of Business. The first two provide some financial context for the suit, which claims that Globe/MSB targeted students who were eligible for a lot of financial aid. Such aid, the suit says, is Read more →
Student-Loan Straitjacket Filing for Bankruptcy Usually Ends Up Increasing School-Debt Balances (The Wall Street Journal) Don’t be that dude: Handy tips for the male academic There are a lot of guys out there that are supportive, but don’t realize that many of their everyday actions (big and small) perpetuate inequality. (Tenure, She Wrote) European Interns Resist Working Free A Read more →