On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Obamacare, declining SAT scores and younger two-year students

SAT Scores Always Go Down Once again, American SAT scores have gone down. Again, people write that this is evidence that American schools are declining. No, SAT scores are supposed to go down. That’s just how the standardized test works. (Washington Monthly)

A Patchy Recovery in Business Masters Programs Full-time M.B.A. programs are starting to see a revival of interest for the first time since the onset of the global financial crisis. But part-time programs are less popular. (The New York Times)

College Engineering Programs Focus on Hands-on Learning Large lectures and an ultracompetitive culture are giving way to high-tech problem-solving. (U.S. News & World Report)

Will college students use Affordable Care Act insurance? Students will receive many benefits with the Affordable Care Act's online insurance marketplace, but a majority of them know little about the new system. (USA Today)

Students at Community Colleges Are Getting Younger and Younger  When I started teaching community college, I expected my classes to be made up of older people looking for a "second chance." I was wrong. (The Atlantic)