On Campus Blog

Universities look for new ways to rank themselves Even some universities and colleges themselves — reasoning that it’s better to come up with their own ratings than have them imposed by someone else — are quietly working on new ways to gauge what graduates learn and earn, though many remain reluctant so far to make the Read more →
How much of success is beyond the control of two-year colleges?
At a forum this morning on financial aid and accessibility, Saint Paul College President Rassoul Dastmozd said the federal government should be wary about tying student aid too closely to college accountability measures. At his urban two-year college, which he said is highly diverse with an average age of 29, his students have a variety Read more →
A U of M regent’s reaction to a last-minute report
In my coverage of University of Minnesota board meetings, I’ve at times been frustrated with the U’s inability to provide me with a big report before it’s presented at the monthly Board of Regents meeting. I tend to ask for advance copies so that I can better understand the morning’s presentation. With the basic details Read more →
The U’s stance on health care rate increases (table included)
In case you missed the link in my story on the union health care rally at the U, below is what the U says about the changes and the Affordable Health Care Act. (A table is at the bottom.) Also, here’s what MPR’s Catharine Richert reported on the changes back in July. Here’s the U’s Read more →
A Nudge to Poorer Students to Aim High on Colleges Seniors with high SAT scores are receiving packets from the College Board encouraging them to apply to top colleges, part of a new outreach effort. (The New York Times) Six Things a College Recruiter Won’t Tell Students Today’s college-going students and the people who advise them know Read more →
Union workers rally against health care changes at the U
Union clerical workers at the University of Minnesota rallied on Northrop Plaza today to protest proposed rate increases to their employee health care plans. About 200 people gathering in front of Morrill Hall, the main administration building — some carrying signs saying, “Stop cost shifting to employees” and “Wal-Mart U / Rolling Back Benefits.” They opposed a Read more →
University of Minnesota union to hold health care rally today
The union representing University of Minnesota clerical workers plans to rally today to protest planned health care increases. The noon gathering on Northrop Plaza will oppose what the union says is a $1.8 million overall increase in the form of higher premiums, co-pays, deductibles and other changes. They instead propose an employee health care plan Read more →
Why extra credit has become fairer at the University of Minnesota
Tina Falkner, director of compliance and continuity at the University of Minnesota, tells the Minnesota Daily why faculty are more consistent these days determining when to reward students with extra credit: “We had heard from students that extra credit was being inconsistently offered. It was being offered to those who asked for it, but other Read more →
Adjuncts, Class, and Fear Many adjuncts feel paralyzed by a deeper, unspoken fear, one that is primarily internal and fraught with complexities that Working-Class Studies can help illuminate and overcome.  This fear stems from the tension, well-documented and long-discussed, between adjuncts’ nominal professional status and the actual workplace conditions that place us in the category of the Read more →