On Campus Blog

Discounts, B-school interviews, and aid applications

Why we still need affirmative action for African Americans in college admissions Pretending color doesn’t matter doesn’t actually work, and it's unfair. (The Washington Post) Colleges Keep Increasing Discounts to Keep Students Coming The so-called discount rate—the amount of revenue that goes back out the door in the form of financial aid to fill seats—was projected to have grown to more than 46 percent at colleges and universities this past academic year. (Washington Monthly) Want to Get Into Business School? Write Less, Talk More Some M.B.A. Programs Cut the Number of Required Essays for Admission, Shift Emphasis to Interviews (The Wall Street Journal) A Closer Look at Simplifying Financial Aid Applications Sometimes, making something simple raises a lot of fears. (The New York Times) Student loan interest rates rise, worrying some experts Because the U.S. Congress failed to take action, interest rates on undergraduate Stafford loans rose today to 4.66 percent from 3.86 percent last year on both subsidized and unsubsidized borrowing. (CBS Money Watch via NAICU)