On Campus Blog

Stopping Campus Rape Colleges could embrace a more limited version of the old “parietal” system, in which they separated the sexes and supervised social life. This need not represent a return to any kind of chastity-based ethic. (The New York Times) How colleges vary in reports of sex assault and other sex offenses A Washington Post analysis of…
Colleges, seeking revenue, consider beer sales at stadiums Though the NCAA does not sell alcohol at its championship events, including the men’s basketball tournament, it’s one of the few unregulated areas in the pantheon of NCAA rules. Even conferences — aside from the SEC, which has a league-wide prohibition — leave the issue up to individual…
A growing path to medical school Nearly one-half of all U.S. undergraduates attend community college at some point in their education. Increasingly, medical school applicants are reflective of this national trend. (Community College Daily) New rules planned for colleges to track dating violence, domestic violence and stalking Proposed regulations will require colleges to compile and disclose statistics…
A Smart Way to Skip College in Pursuit of a Job Udacity-AT&T ‘NanoDegree’ Offers an Entry-Level Approach to College (The New York Times) Colleges try to speed up pace at which students earn degrees New programs try to reverse the trend of higher education taking longer (The Hechinger Report) Reducing student debt from the start Senate Finance Chairman…
The chief trustee of Minnesota’s state-run colleges and universities says he wants to review the way the system approves contracts for its chancellor. Board Chairman Clarence Hightower had defended the system’s announcement Monday that he quietly negotiated and signed a contract for Chancellor Steven Rosenstone eight months ago without running the final draft by trustees.…
Analysts: Federal government should cut funding from lowest-performing colleges The federal government spends billions of dollars a year on higher education but almost never cuts off funding to colleges and universities that struggle to fulfill their mission. One reason is that policymakers are reluctant to penalize students enrolled in these schools. Another is a lack of consensus…
Teacher-prep rankings return
Remember the National Council on Teacher Quality and the teacher-prep ratings that riled up the education world last year? Those assessments are back — this time in the form of a rankings system. The 2014 Teacher Prep Review fully evaluated 39 Minnesota programs on 21 campuses, and gives national “Top Ranked” status to the University…
The state legislative auditor says he will investigate the University of Minnesota’s handling of drug trial patients over the past decade. Calls for the investigation were prompted in part by the 2004 suicide of patient Dan Markingson. Critics of the U say researchers coerced him into participating in a drug study against his mother’s objections.…
The Clever Stunt Four Professors Just Pulled to Expose the Outrageous Pay Gap in Academia The current president of the University of Alberta is leaving at the end of this month. This means that her job, whichpays at least 400,000 Canadian dollars (about $368,500), is up for grabs. I’m sure the search committee didn’t expect 56 Canadian academics, fed…