On Campus Blog

Pay equity, credit downgrades and living costs

In Moody’s U.S. college credit ratings, downgrades far outnumber upgrades Moody’s has downgraded three dozen four-year colleges and universities since July 2013, a sign of continuing financial fragility in higher education. (The Washington Post)

Should Colleges Be Able to Determine Costs of Living? There are three potential reasons why other costs included in the costs of attendance measure could be falling. (Washington Monthly)

Mind the Gap: How One Employer Tackled Pay Equity McGill University Spent 13 Years and $19 Million to End Disparities Between Genders (The Wall Street Journal)

Companies That Offer Help With Student Loans Are Often Predatory, Officials Say Federal and state regulators are spotting new instances of abuse as the companies shift away from their traditional targets — credit card and mortgage debt — to zero in on student loans. The companies are coming under fire for potentially questionable tactics. (The New York Times)

McCaskill questions athletics-department role in sex-assault cases involving athletes McCaskill raised questions about how seriously schools take the issue. (The Washington Post)