Crime, Law and Justice

A history of the FBI and former American presidents
Exploring the relationship between the FBI and past presidents in U.S. history: A constitutional lawyer and two historians share their insights - they also take a look at President Truman's dramatic firing of General Douglas MacArthur.
Dakota County attorney to decide whether to charge officers in deadly shootings
Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom says he's joining his colleagues in Hennepin and Ramsey counties who have made the decision whether or not to charge an officer who has shot someone.
'Called To Rise': Dallas police chief on overcoming racial division
Last year, Dallas Police Chief David Brown was the face of leadership after a gunman killed five police officers during a protest. He has since retired from the force and wrote a book about his life.
A morning of mostly technical testimony Wednesday in the manslaughter trial of St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez revealed how close the traffic stop came to having more casualties: Shots Yanez fired at Philando Castile nearly hit Castile's girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter.
Wetterling documents case could set precedent, lead to new legislation
It will likely be months before the case files related to Jacob Wetterling's abduction and murder are released. A district judge stopped the release on Friday after his parents filed a suit saying some documents are too private to be made public.
Documentary: 'Little War on the Prairie'
Although Mankato native and former MPR reporter and documentary producer John Biewen grew up in Mankato, he heard next to nothing about the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 during his childhood there.
A morning of mostly technical testimony Wednesday in the manslaughter trial of St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez revealed how close the traffic stop came to having more casualties: Shots Yanez fired at Philando Castile nearly hit Castile's girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter.