Minnesota Arts

Art Hounds: Landscapes and memory-scapes
Artists and art appreciators this week also recommend a streaming show from Theater Latté Da, which invites artists to perform favorite show tunes outside of their “type” and a retrospective of renowned Duluth artist Carl Gawboy, Bois Forte Anishinaabe storyteller and scholar.
Art Hounds: Photography three ways
Tony Duran’s celebrity portraits are on display in Winona; Steve Ozone pays homage to flowers and Chinese vegetables; and Melissa Borman captures female figures as active participants within landscapes.
Art Hounds: Take your Valentine to look at art
Artists in the Northrup King building in northeast Minneapolis open studios Saturday evening. Plus, Art Hounds recommend an exhibition of woven art from Artistry, and the Prairie Gate Literary Festival from the University of Minnesota Morris holds its first event.
The Minnesota roots of Pixar's 'Soul'
Both co-directors of Pixar’s latest movie have Minnesota connections. It’s the story of a jazz musician’s struggle to get back to Earth after a fatal accident just minutes after getting a gig he’s been seeking his entire life. Like previous Pixar films, it works both on a child and adult level, and both Pete Docter and Kemp Powers say there is a certain amount of Minnesota in the film.
Penumbra Theatre's Sarah Bellamy on motherhood, theater and racial healing
Host Angela Davis talks with Penumbra Theatre’s artistic director Sarah Bellamy about her artistic journey and her expanded vision for Penumbra as a place where theater, wellness and social justice converge.