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From Minnesota Public Radio News, Art Hounds are members of the Minnesota arts community who look beyond their own work to highlight what's exciting in local art.

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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

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Art Hounds: Works of the heart
Sheri Grube uses painting to manage and speak about living with chronic pain. Rochester Repertory Theatre prepares to stage the play “Silent Sky” about one woman who helped show the world the vastness of the universe. Art Hounds also recommend Matthew French’s new album.
Art Hounds celebrate Black history in image, story and song
St. Joan of Arc church marks 75 years of south Minneapolis life with a Black History Month concert called “Oh Let Us Build This Place.” A. Drew Hammond’s careful collages respond to historical and current events. The Cedar Commissions debuts new works of wide-ranging variety.
Art Hounds: Take your Valentine to the theater
Bucket Brigade times the end of its 10th anniversary run of “Till Death: A Marriage Musical” to Valentine’s Day. Theatre in the Round stages “Marjorie Prime,” an award-winning play that brings a sci-fi lens to aging and memory. And singer/songwriter John Gorka performs at the State Theatre in Zumbrota.
Songs of love and creatives Art Hounds admire
Jay Fuchs presents a love-themed cabaret show in St. Paul ahead of Valentine’s Day; Alexandria, Minn., photographer Lou Ann Marks’ enthusiasm for cellphone photography draws attention, and an appreciation for Americana musician Jud Hailey.
Art Hounds absorb an explosion of color in winter
Art Hounds recommend fighting cabin fever by taking in the colorful visual arts exhibit “Vivid Survival” in Red Wing. Or, tour the varied and moving multimedia show “Like Me, Like You” by the Twin Ports APIDA Collective in Duluth. There’s also the classic steampunk film “Filibus,” complete with live, original piano accompaniment by Katie Condon.
Art Hounds recommend tales for young audiences
The Minnesota Children’s Theatre presents the world premiere of “Bina’s Six Apples.” A ceramics sale at Franconia Sculpture Park shows off the artistry of St. Croix Valley potters. And drummer Josh Lubavich of Duluth launches a solo EP.
Art Hounds: Stories in movement and music
Duluth’s Ellen Sandbeck’s intricately cut paper art reflects the Mississippi River. Art Hounds also note The Moving Company’s production of “Anamnesis” in Minneapolis, and the Naked Stages Fellows movement-based works, streaming this month.
Art Hounds: Beauty from what’s broken
Check out the “Glitch art” from a photographer who also repairs computers. Also, Art Hounds recommend the hardanger fiddle music from Fargo Moorhead Spelemannslag.
Art Hounds: R&B, country and old time radio drama
Art Hounds celebrates live musical and drama performances for every taste this weekend, with shows by country singer Trevor McSpadden, soul and roots performer Annie Mack, and the Mysterious Old Radio Listening Society’s holiday special.
Art Hounds: Capturing the light, sound and joy of the season
Jorts Improv takes on the holiday romantic comedy in “A Snowy Kiss.” Painter Joshua Cunningham captures the light falling across landscapes throughout Minnesota. An Austin Advent concert features a van Daalen pipe organ.