Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Updraft® is your source for Minnesota forecasts and insights from our expert meteorologists, Paul Huttner, Sven Sundgaard and Mandy Thalhuber.

MPR News brings you the latest weather outlook, across all of Minnesota, so you can be better prepared for your day.

Probability of rain; moisture recharges SW Minnesota
After experiencing a rather dry spring, generous rainfall has occurred in June over southwest Minnesota, where totals have already exceeded over 4 inches in some locations. Sioux Falls, South Dakota, has tallied over 4.5 inches of rain so far in June. More rain was falling in southwest Minnesota this morning. The water vapor satellite image…
Scattered rain increases, Minnesota’s vanishing drought
If it’s graduation weekend in Minnesota, there must be rain in the forecast. Naturally. Thank goodness for garages. This weekend will not be a total washout, but a parade of occasional scattered showers and thundershowers marches east across Minnesota today. The culprit? A slow moving cool front that stalls overhead through Saturday. The overall forecast…
Classic June, watching Superior’s lake effect
Welcome to June in Minnesota. Mild sunny days with fair weather cumulus drifting lazily overhead. Starry nights in the 50s and 60s with low humidity and good sleeping weather. Occasional ferocious tropical downpours with flash flooding on your local creek. A billion new mosquitoes invade your back yard. This is what passes for the start…
Summer Season Forecasts: Can you believe them?
My best guess? We end up somewhere between 13 to 18 days at or above 90 this summer, near or slightly above average. Overall near normal temps and a slightly wetter summer would not surprise me.
Southern soaker Wednesday, Iowa derecho rages
Maybe a case of the weather blahs is exactly what we need in Minnesota these days. Low pressure rides south of Minnesota Wednesday. Scattered rain favors the Interstate 90 corridor, but any significant rainfall should stay south of the metro. The low responsible has been active. Widespread rain and thunder rides through Iowa and heads…
Blissfully dry now, severe threat south
Does it get any better than this? Bright sun, low humidity and temps in the upper 70s are about as good as it gets in Minnesota. Your sump pump will gradually ease off the next 48 hours as dry skies favor areas from the metro north. Our blissfully dry air mas is courtesy of a…
Deluge: Second wettest year on record so far
At least we can come up for air, and enjoy a beautiful Tuesday across MPR Land. It appears our rainy spring has pushed the Twin Cities and much of Minnesota to the second wettest year on record so far. 2.37″ rainfall at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on Sunday (a daily rainfall record) 3.04″ weekend rainfall…