Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Summer lingers

You probably weren't amused by the blustery northwesterly winds and autumn-like chill of August 24th.  Our high temp in the Twin Cities was only 67 degrees that day, and some people were thinking that summer was over. 

Minnesotans learn to adjust to meteorological bumps in the road. Our high temps rebounded nicely by late August, and they are currently running 6 to 12 degrees above normal.  We topped out at 84 degrees in the Twin Cities today, which is well above our average September 3 high of 77.  Upper 80s are expected the next couple of days, with sticky dewpoints in the upper 60s and lower 70s. Here are the projected highs for Friday:


Easterly winds will keep temps cool along the north shore of Lake Superior, with a high in Duluth of about 70 degrees. It will be a bit warmer a few miles inland from the lake. Scattered showers and thunderstorms are possible over western Minnesota by late Friday.

Saturday will bring unusually warm high temperatures statewide:


We should top out close to 90 degrees in the Twin Cities on Saturday. There is a chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms over Minnesota, but they could hold off until late Saturday over eastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin.

An approaching cold front will give us a chance of occasional showers and thunderstorms Sunday and Sunday night, with cooler and drier air moving in on Labor Day.

Hope you have a nice holiday weekend!