Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Season’s coolest air mass on the way

Welcome to meteorological autumn.

Signs of seasonal change are subtle but growing these days. A cooler breeze. A splash of color in your neighbors maple tree. The sun angle perceptibly different that two weeks ago.

We've enjoyed (sweated through) an unseasonably warm and wet first week of September.

  • +9.4 degrees - temperatures vs. average at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport through first eight days of September.

  • 1.10 inches rainfall at MSP so far this month (+.23 inch vs. average)

  • Auroras active across northern Minnesota again last night

Our run of early September warmth is history. Scattered showers gather today and tonight ahead of the advancing front. The season's strongest cold front so far pushes through Thursday on increasingly chilly northwest breezes. A bubble of unseasonably chilly Canadian high pressure oozes south by Friday.

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The subtle changes we've observed so far this month accelerate this week. Today's fairly pleasant start gives way to increasing showers. The inbound cooler air mass yields temps a good 10 to 15 degrees colder than average by Friday.

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Classic September weekend

After a chilly Friday, warmer southwest breezes return this weekend. Temps warm through the 60s toward 70 degrees by Saturday.

Sunday's southwest breezes kick in to the gusty 15-25 mph range, and temps respond with a push through the upper 70s by Sunday afternoon. Football weather gives way to a classic September weekend. Make those outdoor plans now. Warmer air returns early next week.

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Weatherspark - Euro output

Fall color splashes 

The season's first splashes of fall color are here. Check out the first fall color reports from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

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Minnesota DNR

Enjoy the changing landscape in the coming weeks.