Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Updraft® is your source for Minnesota forecasts and insights from our expert meteorologists, Paul Huttner, Sven Sundgaard and Mandy Thalhuber.

MPR News brings you the latest weather outlook, across all of Minnesota, so you can be better prepared for your day.

Summer takes hold: Near 90 by Tuesday?
This weekend may work out favorably for most Minnesotans. A cloud sun mix Saturday. Most of the rain at night? A brilliant Sunday afternoon with temps pushing 80 degrees for Grand Old Days in St. Paul?
Dry spell after a good midweek soaking; thunderstorms Saturday
It wouldn't be a bad idea to consider lightning safety rules. Lightning can reach out several miles from the approaching rain storm. Just because the rain hasn't commenced, doesn't mean lightning is not a risk.
Remembering my mentor Bud Kraehling
It was always a pleasure to watch Bud Kraehling do the weather on TV growing up in the Twin Cities. It was a distinct honor to work alongside Bud in the WCCO-TV Weather Center.