Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Drier skies Thursday, showers return Saturday night

June is the month in Minnesota where we walk between the raindrops.

Weather Lab hostas soak up the rain. Paul Huttner/MPR News

Then, somewhere in mid-June, the jet stream typically lifts north in southern Canada and we reach a breaking point. The weather pattern transitions into a favorably warm and sunnier air mass. It looks like this year that transition could happen a little early, probably next week.

Yes, summer creeps in on cat's paws in Minnesota. One day it suddenly sunny and 85 degrees. Winter? A distant fading memory. Soon the cold air can't touch us anymore for a few sweet months. Our annual Minnesota midsummer night's dream draws nigh.

Drying out

Our soggy southern front sags slightly south Thursday. Canadian high pressure noses just far enough to dry skies over most of Minnesota Thursday into most of Saturday.

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The forecast in a nutshell? One more batch of showers likely Saturday night into Sunday. Otherwise it looks like clear sailing into meteorological summer by next Monday.

A string of 80s next week? What a concept.

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Weatherspark - Euro output

NOAA's Climate Prediction Center agrees. Here's the probabilities on a wedge of warmer than average air pushing east through the northern tier next week.

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Active early Pacific hurricane season

The eastern Pacific is off and running for hurricane season this year. Hurricane Andres started the season with a bang, one of only five major hurricanes during the month of May. Now Blanca threatens Baja.

In theory El Nino should mean a quieter than average Atlantic season. That information and 3-bucks will buy you a latte at Caribou. Remember that devastating Hurricane Andrew hit in a "quiet" hurricane year. It only takes one billion dollar land-falling storm to ruin your hurricane season. Or your decade.

Stay tuned.