Weather and Climate News

A cold and bright Super Bowl Sunday; snow chances this week
There’s been some buzz about this being the coldest Super Bowl ever. It might be better to say that this is the coldest host city temperature on a Super Bowl Sunday. At least we’ll have plenty of sunshine! GOES-16 showed the sun rising on a snow covered but crystal clear #BoldNorth this morning. #mnwx #wiwx…
Flakes today; cold and bright on Sunday
It’s appropriate that Super Bowl visitors are seeing some snow. This is Minnesota, after all! Fans from New England and Philadelphia have seen snow before, but this might be the first time that folks from some warm-weather cities have ever witnessed the beauty of falling snowflakes. Snow details A low pressure system is spreading snow…
Groundhog meteorologist Punxsutawney Phil glimpsed his shadow Friday morning, heralding six more weeks of winter. University of Minnesota meteorologist and climatologist Mark Seeley didn't predict quite that far out in his weekly weather chat with MPR News host Cathy Wurzer.
Groundhog Day outlook; Super Bowl chill
Far northern Minnesota could see some one inch accumulations Friday afternoon and evening, and roughly the northern half of Minnesota will be in the 2 to 3 inch range from Saturday into Saturday evening.