Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Snowy south; worst of winter’s cold behind us by next week?

It's going to be a snowy week south of the Twin Cities. The storm track is set up to deliver two to three snow systems from Iowa to Illinois and southern Wisconsin. The first system delivers snow as far north as the Interstate 90 corridor and Mankato, Minn., today.

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Snowy Iowa

The southern storm track targets Iowa, Madison and Chicago this week. A string of low-pressure systems ride the favored southern edge on Minnesota's cold dome. More than a foot of snow is likely in some areas by next weekend. Ski Iowa?

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GFS total snowfall through next weekend at a 10 to 1 ratio via tropical tidbits.

Not quite as cold

This week will still be cold. But temperatures ease slightly compared to the past few days. Highs are mainly in the teens this week. Sunday shows what could be the start of a significant a warming trend.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Milder next week?

The upper-air charts still favor a Pacific breeze next week.

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If this verifies the core of cold shifts north into Canada. Milder than average temperatures will move into Minnesota.

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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System continues to favor highs in the 30s during Valentine's Day week.

Note the absence of subzero air:

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NOAA via Meteostar.

We'll have to see how the upper air pattern shakes out in the next few days. But I thinks it's probably safe to say the worst of winter's cold is behind us after this week.

Stay tuned.