
Chinese electric carmakers are taking on Europeans on their own turf — and succeeding
Chinese automakers are winning over European consumers as part of a big push to enter markets abroad. Their success has sparked alarm among rival companies and lawmakers.
EVs won over early adopters, but mainstream buyers aren't along for the ride yet
Sales of electric vehicles were increasing rapidly ... until they weren't. The auto industry is still looking ahead toward an EV future, but worries that moving too fast would hurt the bottom line.
Thirty-five-year-old Samantha Jo Petersen, of Kellogg, was charged Monday with 21 counts including criminal vehicular homicide and driving under the influence of drugs. The Sept. 25 crash killed Wilma Miller, 7, and Irma Miller, 11, while their two siblings were seriously injured.
Solar fence stops snow and generates electricity
Minnesota uses miles of snow fences to catch blowing snow before it drifts onto roadways in a typical winter. At a one-of-a-kind test site near Moorhead, researchers are finding a year-round use for the snow fence.