
FAA audit faults Boeing for 'multiple instances' of quality control shortcomings
The findings, part of a six-week audit by the FAA, singled out both Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems in the wake of January's in-flight door plug blowout on an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 jet.
The FAA gives Boeing 90 days to fix quality control issues. Critics say they run deep
Boeing has 90 days to come up with a plan to fix quality control issues, the FAA said Wednesday. Critics say those problems go far beyond the door plug that blew off a 737 Max in midair last month.
Minnesota weather whiplash: From record highs Monday to snow and school closures Tuesday
After record high temperatures across much of the region on Monday, a winter storm was pummeling parts of northern Minnesota with heavy snow on Tuesday. Some schools and universities canceled classes.
EPA approves year-round sales of higher ethanol blend in 8 Midwest states
The biofuels industry and politicians of both parties have portrayed ethanol as a product that helps farmers, reduces prices at the pump and lessens greenhouse gas releases. But environmentalists have said increased ethanol production can increase carbon releases.
City councils push recall of Kias and Hyundais as thefts still surge — will it make a difference?
The thefts of Kias and Hyundais have not slowed down since it became a problem during the pandemic. Minneapolis has passed a resolution calling for a recall, with St. Paul soon to follow.
Traffic fatalities in Minnesota are nearly double what they were last year
As of Tuesday, 45 people had died in fatal crashes. At the same time last year, that number was 23, according to the Office of Traffic Safety. Director Mike Hanson says risky driving amid the warmer weather is partially to blame.