Stadium Watch Blog

Poll: Most Minnesotans want do-over on Vikings stadium deal


A KSTP/Survey USA poll asked Minnesotans last week what they thought of the deal the Legislature and the Governor have struck with the state's NFL franchise for a new Vikings stadium.

The answer: Not much.

Nearly three in five say the state didn't do due diligence on the Wilfs when it passed the stadium bill in May of 2012, and nearly four out of five say the state should demand the Vikings owners open their books before Minnesota signs on the dotted line for a $398 million mortgage on the team's new home. Here's the details from KSTP's website:

Did the governor and legislature do enough to learn more about the New Jersey case before entering into a deal with Wilfs? Or did they need to do more?

23% Did Enough

58% Needed To Do More

19% Not Sure

(7 Asked of 500 Adults, margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 4.4%)

Should the state re-open the stadium legislation and re-work the deal with the Wilfs, the Vikings, and the National Football League? Or should the legislation and deal be left as it is?

51% Re-open

39% Left As It Is

10% Not Sure

(Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 4.5% )

Should the Wilfs be required to release their financial information before the Vikings deal goes forward?

75% Yes

18% No

8% Not Sure

(Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 3.9%)