Social Issues

The special needs of special education
The 1975 passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act changed the way disabled students are educated in America's schools. Midmorning looks at the progress that's been made with the head of a leading advocacy group.
Stearns County commissioner: "I screwed up"
The use of the term "tar baby" by a Stearns County commissioner about the St. Cloud Human Rights commission leads to an apology and questions about whether an apology is enough.
A heated debate is assured on the floor of the U.S. Senate over an immigration reform proposal approved by the Judiciary Committee March 27. Democrat Mark Dayton supports the bill as it is currently written.
Minneapolis and Hennepin County plan to end homelessness by 2016
A 70-member commission of city, county and community members will create a plan to effectively end homelessness throughout Minneapolis by 2016. It's part of a nationwide effort to change the way governments approach the homeless.
Redefining aid abroad
In order to meet global challenges, relief organizations are increasingly turning to political advocacy as part of their development strategy.
Beyond rhetoric in the same-sex marriage debate
Thousands of Minnesotans, on both sides of the debate over same-sex marriage, rallied at the capitol this week. Minnesota Public Radio's Tom Crann talks with two leaders on opposite sides of the issue about the thinking behind the rhetoric.
Whose side is God on in same-sex marriage debate?
Both camps in Minnesota's same-sex marriage debate are making the case that God is on their side. Opponents of a proposed constitutional amendment to outlaw same-sex marriage rallied at the Capitol Thursday, just as supporters did earlier this week. Both rallies put the focus on religious faith.
GOP files ethics complaint against Dean Johnson
Republican state senators filed an ethics complaint Wednesday against Democratic Majority Leader Dean Johnson, assuring the controversy over his gay marriage comments won't fade anytime soon.