Social Issues

No one is sure how many veterans are homeless and living on the streets and shelters. But a few organizations are trying to estimate the population, in hopes of better understanding the problem.
Health concerns aren't often at the top of the list for migrant workers, but their health problems can be chronic. Diabetes and obesity are problems, and often migrant workers aren't doing anything to monitor their diseases.
An argument against affirmative action
Longtime affirmative action opponent Ward Connerly says that when public universities start "selecting you over me and me over you on the basis of our skin color, we've changed what it means to be an American."
Talkin' about immigration
The state Capitol was the site of two immigration rallies this weekend. Minnesotans came out in support of immigrants' rights as well as limited immigration.
A business plan to end long-term homelessness
Two years ago, Gov. Pawlenty announced an ambitious plan to end long-term homelessness in Minnesota by the year 2010. State officials say the plan is on track to achieve its goal, although there are plenty of challenges ahead.
Alzheimer's tied to education level
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic now have found a stronger link between education levels and developing Alzheimer's.They've also found that close to fifteen percent of senior citizens suffer from the pre-cursor to Alzheimer's.
Committee defeats marriage amendment
Ending more than a year of gridlock, a Senate committee today finally held a hearing on -- and then voted down -- a controversial bill that would put the definition of marriage on November's ballot as an amendment to the state constitution.
The last four years of Martin Luther King's life
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Taylor Branch has finally finished the project he began over a decade and a half ago. "At Canaan's Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-68" completes a massive, three-volume history of Martin Luther King's career.
Being gay in the NFL
Since his retirement from the NFL, Esera Tuaolo has taken what's perhaps his most profound step: he's become one of the few professional football players to publicly come out about his homosexuality.
The legacy of apartheid
Apartheid already may be fading from the memories of some South Africans. Midmorning talks with one man who has a new account of the cost of institutionalized prejudice.