Social Issues

Brookings Institution Vice President and Director of Metropolitan Policy Bruce Katz argues that the gap in income and education between black and white Minnesotans could hurt the state's economy.
Upper Sioux banishes drug criminals
An Indian tribe in southwest Minnesota has passed one of the toughest tribal anti-drug policies in the nation. Anyone convicted of drug crimes on the Upper Sioux Reservation is automatically prohibited from setting foot on the reservation for a certain length of time, a policy sometimes called banishment.
Making art accessible to the poor: Respect the audience
The needs of the poor go beyond food and shelter. Their spirits require nourishment as much as their bodies. Acting on that belief, several Twin Cities theater companies are working in various ways to make drama accessible to everyone.
South Dakota abortion ban up in the air
The South Dakota law that would ban most abortions may be put on hold with the filing of a petition demanding the law be overturned. Now South Dakota voters will have a chance to decide the question in November.
The language challenge
As many as a dozen languages are spoken in Pelican Rapids. That can make basic communication a challenge.
Pelican Rapids confronts housing shortage
Pelican Rapids is attracting retirees and summer residents with lakeside cabins, as well as new immigrants looking for work. As a result, good housing is in short supply.
Making art accessible to the poor: Remove the obstacles
The needs of the poor go beyond food and shelter. Their spirits require nourishment as much as their bodies. Acting on that belief, several Twin Cities theater companies are working in various ways to make drama accessible to everyone.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Midmorning takes a closer look at the meaning of liberty, and how it has changed since the U.S. Constitution was framed.
Many of the workers who plant the flags at Fort Snelling cemetery for Memorial Day also served in the military. For them, putting up the flags is more than a job, it's a tribute.