Social Issues

Minneapolis cop accused of slur against Ellison
A Minneapolis police lieutenant faced an internal investigation after fellow officers reported he had made remarks implying U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison is a terrorist.
Fight to become a mother
After she spent years avoiding motherhood, and then coping with breast cancer, writer Peggy Orenstein decided to have a child. Orenstein's latest book chronicles the next, difficult hurdle she faced: infertility.
Muslim cab drivers make their case in hearing
Metropolitan Airports Commission officials are holding a hearing in an effort to resolve a dispute that has pitted freedom of religious expression against service to airport customers.
Should the government decide when and if a refugee returns to his or her home country? Robin Washington, editorial page editor of the Duluth News Tribune, offers this commentary on the subject.
Hospital closing brings Ivanhoe full circle
The demands of a changing health care system troubles all hospitals but especially ones in small towns. The latest Minnesota hospital to close is in the community of Ivanhoe.
With the help of a St. Paul man, the South comes to terms with civil rights era crimes
Dozens of old civil rights era murder investigations in southern states have been revived. A St. Paul man, Chuck McDew, monitors the results with interest because he knew some of the victims. Many were civil rights workers who like McDew were registering black voters in the early 1960s.
There's been a shift in public attitudes toward people with developmental disabilities. That's according to a new survey of 806 Minnesotans. The survey was modeled after one done back in 1962. It found changes in the way people think about the developmentally disabled in the areas of work, education, and integration into the larger community.