Social Issues

Three of the six imams who were removed from a US Airways flight in the Twin Cities in November 2006 discussed their lawsuit during a news conference Tuesday morning.
State benefits for same-sex couples advance at Capitol
Supporters of the legislation say the measure is about fairness for gay couples that have been in committed relationships for years. But critics say the bill sends a bad message and worry it could lead to a legal challenge to a state law that forbids same sex couples to marry.
Beyond Walter Reed
The scandal over outpatient care at Walter Reed Army Medical Center has highlighted the difficulties faced by veterans injured in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Midmorning's guests say the problems have been evident for years.
A poet's inquiry into the life of a civil rights icon
Noted poet Nikki Giovanni knew Rosa Parks, and when her publisher asked her to write a children's book about the woman whose defiance sparked the famous Montgomery Alabama Bus Boycott, she jumped at the opportunity. Giovanni spoke about writing "Rosa" Feb. 28 at the University of Minnesota.
The selfish generation?
Results of a new research study indicate that members of the "millennial generation" are more selfish and narcissistic than their predecessors, but a critic says its just another example of the endless negativity aimed at today's kids.
The ethicist is in
Ethics writer Randy Cohen helps callers with their ethical dilemmas and defends the answers he's given in his weekly columns.